Meet the Extended Cullen Family
The Cullens are the fictional vampire family in the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer. The family is comprised of several young vampires that were turned into vampires for various reasons by Carlisle Cullen, who acts as a father. The younger Cullens live together like brothers and sisters with Carlisle and his wife Esme play a parenting role in the extended family.

Carlisle Cullen
Carlisle Cullen (Peter Facinelli) is the head of the family which is often referred to as the Olympic Coven. He was born sometime in the 1640s to an Anglican pastor in London, England. He followed in his father’s footsteps and participated in raids against vampires, werewolves and witches. On one fateful night, he is bitten by a vampire and left bleeding in the street. He could not stomach the thought of feeding of humans and managed to become a vegetarian vampire by only feeding from animals. The brilliant man studied the arts extensively and eventually became a brilliant doctor.

Edward Cullen
Carlisle moved to the United States and worked as a doctor in several different hospitals. He encountered a woman and son who were suffering from the Spanish flu and would most likely die. The mother begged Carlisle to save her son Edward (Robert Pattinson), by any means necessary. He chooses to turn Edward into a vampire and give him the gift of immortality.

Esme Cullen
Edward and Carlisle moved on and Carlisle encountered Esme (Elizabeth Reaser), who was recovering from a failed suicide attempt after the death of her child. He transformed her into a vampire in 1921 and they later fell in love and married. Her passionate and unique ability to love and nurture make her the perfect fit in her role as a mother to the unique family.

Rosalie Hale Cullen

Emmett Cullen
Carlisle’s journeys led him to Rosalie Hale (Nikki Reed) after she had been severely beaten and raped and then left in the street to die. He turns her into a vampire in order to save her life. She later stumbles upon Emmett (Kellan Lutz), who was dying in the forest after being mauled by a bear. In a heroic effort, she carries him 100 miles for Carlisle to attend to and eventually turn him into a vampire in 1935. He ends up being the strongest vampire in the Olympic Coven. Rosalie and Emmett marry and make their life with the Cullen household.

Alice Cullen

Jasper Cullen
Alice Cullen (Ashley Greene) was transformed by an unknown vampire and is gifted with precognition abilities. During one of her visions, she sees her future husband Jasper (Jackson Rathbone). Jasper had been turned by a vampire named Maria while he was a part of the Confederate army. She recruited him to help her form an army of vampires that took over the feeding grounds in Texas. When Alice finds him, he is more than ready to leave the battlefield and marries Alice. Shortly after the duo seeks out the Cullens after Alice has a vision of them all being together.
The family moves to the quiet town of Forks, Washington in order to enjoy their peaceful vegetarian lifestyle. The younger vampires attend high school and pose as adoptive siblings. Jasper and Rosalie adopt the Hale surname and presents themselves as twins. As far as the unsuspecting public in their local town knows, the married couples are only boyfriend and girlfriend.
Awesome you should think of sohmeting like that
los cullenson muy listos no se dejan ver y tu los has visto dime que si porque si no los has visto estas perdido.
Hi peeps
I love Edward and Emmett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
omg did vampires exist like cullens?
i love twlight its the best move i have see
omg edword is so fit
Are they real you know vampires? I always thought some part of the world was lost abandoned you know existed but didnt in the eyes of people.
mr.poo you die to no no no yes yes yes mmmmmaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh
i thought vampires and other dangerous predators existed millions of years ago but not in this era. But then also,i love carlisle,esme,rosalie,emmett,alice,jasper.And i love the couple of edward-bella the most.i ‘m the biggest fan of edward.
Hello everbody !!!! I’m Twilight fana ! I love Rosalie Alice Jasper Emett Carlise Esme but I prefer Edward Jacob Bella and Reesmee !
Jacob is beautiful !!!!
I just want to say that the Cullen family is so awsome and I think everyone that watched Twilight want to become a vampire.
Hello .. Twilight is the best movie . forever and ever . i love movie twilight 🙂
I love watching the movies and I love all the characters but I prefer reading the books they r so cool!!!!!!! I LOVE Ashley Greene she is so kind-hearted and just some one u can hang with when u having a bad day cause she is there 2 cheer u up or at least get a smile out of u!!!!! By the way Ashley plays ALICE
Heart u guys
Robert u r the best and totally cute!!!!! Ashley always open minded and kind. Jackson totally adorable polite and generous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kristen ur a real good actor. Kellan soooo hot and creepy but in a great way!!! Nikki funny and really fun and most of all a great friend if u got 2 met her!!! Elizabeth so brave and Caron’s soooo sweet and very kind 2 every one u spot that is unhappy!!!! Last but not least Peter u r the best I think u r so cool sweet loving caring generous and most of all a really young actor that is very talented!!!!!! Love y’all!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 😉
Well Meyer came out with really good stuff!!!! She’s a real smart head!!!! LOVE HER WRITINGS!!! A big fan of the all Cullens and the Werewolves esp. Jacob!!